(256) 755-4599
Upcoming Events
Learn the basics of meditation in this six week course led by Dr. Jo Lauren Weaver. This course will be offered online starting on Wednesday, February 19th. Contact Dr. Weaver at jolauren@newleaftnvalley.com for more information. Registration is required.

Previous Events hosted by New Leaf Counseling Services
Self Compassion Therapy Group
Angie Gundolff, MA, LMFT will be offering a virtual self compassion group. The Mindful Self-Compassion group will be starting in February. This virtual group will be offered on Thursdays from noon until 1:15pm for eight weeks beginning on February 6th. Self compassion is the practice of being kind and understanding towards yourself, especially when you're facing challenges, making mistakes, or feeling inadequate. Angie will be using group materials from a leading self compassion expert, Kristin Neff. The group fees are $45/session. For more information, please reach out directly to Angie at angie@newleaftnvalley.com or register by clicking button "Register for Group".

Adult ADHD Skills Group
Our newest counselor, Stacey Garder, ALC, is hosting a skills group for adults with ADHD. In this four week series, adults will process the challenges that ADHD behaviors have on their lives and learn coping skills in which to thrive. $150 upfront, or $40/session. This group will be hosted virtually. Dates are 8/23, 8/30, 9/6, and 9/13 from 6pm until 7:30pm. Participation on all four dates is required. Deadline to register is 8/14/23.